Sovendus GmbH in co-operation with Sovendus UK Ltd.
About Sovendus UK Ltd.
Sovendus UK Ltd. is the UK-based sales company for Sovendus GmbH’s platform.
Sovendus UK Limited
Seebeck House
1 Seebeck Place
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 1753 307891
(Are you an end customer and you have questions about a selected Sovendus product, e.g. a voucher or an advantageous offer? Then please contact us by email at or take a look at our FAQs on support for end customers.)
Company No. 7796496
Place of registration: England and Wales
UK VAT registration no.: 124 5884 04
Managing Directors: Christian Würst, Sebastian Legler, Peter Smith
About Sovendus GmbH
Sovendus GmbH manages the platform and this website and executes the services that are sold by Sovendus UK Ltd. Combined imprint (provider identification) from the German Broadcast Media Act (TMG), German Interstate Media Treaty (MStV) and information in accordance with the Ordinance on Service Providers’ Duty to inform (DL-InfoV) based on the EU Services Directive (RL 2006/123/EC Official Gazette for EU2006, L376/36 “DRLR”))
Provider and responsible entity for the commercial and business website in terms of s. 5 of the German Broadcast Media Act in its function as the core law of the Electronic Commerce Standardisation Act (ElGVG) and the law regulating the framework conditions for information and communication services (IuKDG), is Sovendus GmbH, represented by the managing directors Christian Würst and Sebastian Legler.
This website is an offering from:
Sovendus GmbH
c/o Design Offices Karlsruhe Bahnhofplatz
Bahnhofplatz 12
76137 Karlsruhe/GERMANY
Phone: +49 721 / 957 846-0
Headquarters of Sovendus GmbH: D-76137 Karlsruhe/Germany
Local court (Amtsgericht) of Mannheim, HRB 707873
Legal form: Limited liability company (GmbH)
Applicable law: Federal Republic of Germany
Karlsruhe Tax Office
VAT identification number: DE 813 459 970
Managing directors authorised to represent the company: Christian Würst and Sebastian Legler
Information on online settlement of disputes in accordance with ection 14(1) of the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Ordinance:
The EU Commission provides a platform for the settlement of disputes online which can be found at This platform serves as a contact point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes affecting contractual obligations which arise from online purchase contracts.
Please note that we are neither willing nor obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure of the consumer arbitration board.
Person responsible for journalistic editorial articles in accordance with section 18(2) MStV:
Christian Würst, Sebastian Legler, CEO, email:
Sovendus GmbH
c/o Design Offices Karlsruhe Bahnhofplatz
Bahnhofplatz 12
76137 Karlsruhe/Germany
External data protection officer in accordance with section 37 EU General Data Protection Regulation in conjunction with section 38(1) German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG):
In accordance with section 37 GDPR in conjunction with section 38(1) BDSG, Sovendus has appointed an internal data protection officer, who can be reached at datenschutz[at] or by post at Sovendus GmbH, data protection officer, Bahnhofplatz 12, 76137 Karlsruhe, Germany.
Features of the services of Sovendus GmbH:
All services rendered via the internet and in physical stores that support companies of winning over new customers or addresses by way of distributing coupons following sales transactions that have been entered into. Furthermore, the administration of own assets.
Sovendus GmbH may at any time alter this website in whole or in part, and discontinue the website operations, at its own discretion and without accepting liability and without prior notice. By way of placing a link to an external website (“hyperlinks”), Sovendus GmbH makes neither such a website nor the content therein its own. Furthermore, Sovendus GmbH is not responsible for the availability of such websites or their content.
© Copyright:
All rights reserved. Text, images and graphics and their arrangement on the website are subject to copyright protection and other protective laws. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, amended or made accessible to third parties for commercial use.
© Copyright for image sources:
Sovendus App: Couples and their habits © Drazen_ –
Sovendus App: Happy couple with shopping bags and Christmas presents in the summertime © Drazen_ –
Career: A view of the Karlsruhe skyline © rotofrank –
Homepage / Services / Product detail pages / Our partners / Career: Partner logos – If you have any questions about the image sources, please contact the particular company directly.
Sovendus GmbH holds the copyrights for any images on the website that are not mentioned.
Notice: German General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG)
No gender-specific differentiation is made in order to maintain legibility. Corresponding terms apply to both sexes within the meaning of equal treatment7