Gain new newsletter subscribers with Sovendus Leads
Would you like to acquire high-quality newsletter addresses for your own mailing list? Then promote your newsletter in our partner network and easily gain new subscribers. In our network, you only address active online buyers with high purchasing power.

+7 m
active online shoppers / month
request rate
It's that simple:
New subscribers in 3 steps
1. Reward after shopping
After making a purchase, our partner shops reward their customers with a voucher from our voucher network. This is done via a thank-you banner on the checkout page.
2. Registration for the newsletter
By clicking on the banner, customers are sent to our voucher selection page. After selecting a voucher, customers can register for your newsletter - actively and voluntarily.
3. Acquisition of new subscribers
The newly acquired subscribers are automatically imported into your systems via https request and are available to you as new recipients for your newsletter immediately or after obtaining the DOI.
See for yourself
Your advantages with Sovendus Leads
Advertise your newsletter in our voucher network and generate new newsletter addresses for your own mailing list. The customer voluntarily decides to subscribe to your newsletter. We will gladly show you all the advantages of our solution in a consultation.

Subscribers with high purchasing power
In our network, you only address users with an interest in making purchases who actively and voluntarily select your newsletter.
- Voluntary registration in your mailing list
- Active online shoppers
- Expansion of your customer base

Gain leads without risk
We generate high-quality leads for you on a performance basis. You only pay for generated opt-ins. So you can expand your customer base without risk.
- Performance-based payments
- Cap on the number of leads possible
- No minimum contract period

Quick and easy set-up
We guarantee a fast integration. The newly acquired subscribers are available to you as new recipients for your newsletter immediately or after obtaining the DOI.
- Automatic import into your systems via https request
- Minimal effort for you
- Optimised for all devices
Sovendus demo tour
Request a free demo tour
Would you like to find out how you can gain new newsletter subscribers through our network? In a free demo tour, you get a direct preview of the products you are interested in, tailored to your business and customisable.

Our security standards
Modern technology – secure and trustworthy
Data security is of utmost importance to Sovendus. As part of our software development lifecycle, we comply with current data protection guidelines, such as ‘Security and Privacy by Design/Default’. In this way, data protection and data security are already taken into account when new requirements are added.
We use symmetric and asymmetric encryption to protect our systems. Only authorised staff have access to keys.
If personal data is required in the course of a data comparison, the data is pseudonymised by using a hash function before the comparison.
System downtime protection
Our hosting service providers, based in Germany, ensure protection against downtime through highly available power supply and fire protection.
Failover solutions
We use failover solutions to switch to a standby solution at any time if the productive system fails and to maintain operations.
Security audits
Security audits are regularly carried out by internal staff as well as by external security companies to ensure that systems are resilient.
The data centres of our hosting service providers based in Germany are regularly audited and certified according to the IT baseline protection or DIN ISO 27001.
Voucher Network
Checkout Benefits
Contact us!
You can offer your customers a unique shopping experience with Sovendus. We would be happy to advise you individually and show you all the benefits of our solutions in a face-to-face meeting.